Trek it or Wreck it
2 Seasons
Every week, a panel of hardcore Trekkies goes to town on the newest episodes of Star Trek Discovery and The Orville, discussing the characters, the tone, and the ethics, whether Gene Roddenberry would call it Star Trek.
Trek it Or Wreck it 201: Short Treks & "Brother" vs. Orville Season 2 So Far
Episode 1
Spoiler Review! We pit Star Trek Discovery's Short Treks & "Brother" against Orville's Season 2 so far: Ja'Loja, Primal Urges, Home, and Nothing Left on Earth Excepting Fishes! What do YOU think of the seasons so far?
#TheOrville #StarTrek #Discovery #Season2 #Review
Trek it Or Wreck it 202: "New Eden" vs "All The World is Birthday Cake"
Episode 2
Spoiler Review! We pit Star Trek Discovery's "New Eden" against Orville's "All The World is Birthday Cake"! What did YOU think of these two thematically VERY similar episodes?
#TheOrville #StarTrek #Discovery #Season2 #Review
Trek it Or Wreck it 203: DSC's "Point of Light" vs. Orville's "A Happy Refrain"
Episode 3
Spoiler Review! We pit Star Trek Discovery's 203 "Point of Light" against Orville's 206 "A Happy Refrain"! What did YOU think of these two doomed inter-species romance episodes?
#TheOrville #StarTrek #Discovery #Season2 #Review
Trek it Or Wreck it 204: Star Trek Discovery's "An Obol for Charon"
Episode 4
Spoiler Review! We pit Star Trek Discovery's 204 "An Obol for Charon" against... well, with no new Orville episode this week, we pit it against Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, as well as Worf and Torres episodes from The Next Generation and Voyager! What did YOU think of this jam-packed episode? W...
Trek it Or Wreck it 205: DSC "Saints of Imperfection" vs. Orville "Deflectors"
Episode 5
Spoiler Review! We pit Star Trek Discovery's 205 "Saints of Imperfection" against the Orville's "Deflectors". We consider Star Trek The Next Generation episodes like "The Outcast" and "A Matter of Perspective", films like "Star Trek VI The Undiscovered Country", as well as the representations of ...
Trek it Or Wreck it 206: DSC "The Sound of Thunder" vs. Orville "Identity Pt. 1"
Episode 6
Spoiler Review! We pit Star Trek Discovery's 206 "The Sound of Thunder" against the Orville's 208 "Identity Part 1". We consider Star Trek The Next Generation episodes like "The Best of BothWorlds" and "Skin of Evil", Voyager's like "Basics Part 1", as well as the themes from Battlestar Galactica...
207 "Light and Shadows" Star Trek Discovery vs. "Identity Part 2" The Orville
Episode 7
Spoiler Review! We pit Star Trek Discovery's 207 "Light and Shadows" against the Orville's 209 "Identity Part 2". We consider Star Trek The Next Generation episodes like "Allegiance" and "Best of Both Worlds, Deep Space Nine last-minute-enemy-fleet rescues, and with folks getting airlocked, we ca...
208 Discovery's "If Memory Serves" vs. The Orville's "Blood of Patriots"
Episode 8
Spoiler Review! We pit Star Trek Discovery's 208 "If Memory Serves" against the Orville's 210 "Blood of Patriots". We talk the FIRST Star Trek ever, "The Cage", as well as "Menagerie" to dig into the Talosians, and also The Next Generation episodes like "The First Duty", "Family" and "The Wounded...
209 "Project Daedalus" Star Trek Discovery Season 2 Episode 9 | Spoiler Review
Episode 9
Spoiler Review! In this week's "Trek it Or Wreck it", we pit Star Trek Discovery's 209 "Project Daedalus" against... well, with no Orville this week, we're comparing this Lt. Ariam-heavy episode to Data, Cylons, Robocop, and Skynet! What did YOU think of this ? Was it an over-stuffed try-hard Wre...
210 "The Red Angel" Discovery vs. The Orville "Lasting Impressions"
Episode 10
Spoiler Review! In this week's "Trek it Or Wreck it", we pit Star Trek Discovery's "The Red Angel" against the Orville "Lasting Impressions"! With TNG episodes like Hollow Pursuits and characters like Minuet from "11001001", there's no shortage of comparison for The Orville.
And with Discover...
211 "Perpetual Infinity" Star Trek Discovery Season 2 Episode 11
Episode 11
Spoiler Review! In this week's "Trek it Or Wreck it", we pit #StarTrekDiscovery's 211 #PerpetualInfinity" against some of our favorite time-traveling murderbots: The Terminators, and the Borg! Pus, now that we've hit Season 2 Episode 11 on both #Discovery and #theOrville, we compare the season ar...