Lulu Ali Ismail's directorial debut pens the beautiful and poetic coming of age story of Hibo, Asma, and Deka, three girls navigating their final high school semester. The blossoming young women question what it means to be educated in Djibouti and where class separates them as they select schools locally and abroad. Staying at home means they will remain with their family, boxed into their family's identity of who they are, while leaving for France offers them freedom they may never fully receive in Djibouti. As they contemplate who they want to be and where they want to go, they deal with newfound friendships, betrayal, and a miscarriage. Between studying for finals and making their family proud, Dhalinyaro is a tender glance into the group the title gains its name from, “youth”.
Djibouti, France - 2018 - 1h 26m
Directed By: Lula Ali Ismaïl
Written By: Lula Ali Ismaïl, Alexandra Ramniceanu, Marc Wels
Starring: Amina Mohamed Ali, Tousmo Mouhoumed Mohamed, Bilan Samir Moubus
Up Next in Dhalinyaro (Youth)
Dhalinyaro (Youth) Trailer
Asma, Hibo, and Deka are on the verge of high school graduation. As they navigate the beginnings of adulthood, they must decide between university in France or staying home in Djibouti.
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