Set in the Mirror Universe, Riker himself Jonathan Frakes directs the mid-season premiere of Star Trek Discovery, "Despite Yourself"! Our panel of Trekkies and our LIVE internet audience digs into the unexpected deaths and reveals in this chronologically FIRST human crossover between the two universes in the Trek timeline.
Up Next in Season 1
Trek it Or Wreck it: Discovery 11 "Th...
The second episode of #StarTrekDiscovery's #MirrorUniverse arc brings Ash face-to-face with himself and then reveals the face of the emperor, but our Panel of Trekkies wishes that either of those twists were actually surprising. Even Mirror Kat saw that coming.
Trek it Or Wreck it: Discovery 12 "Va...
Episode 3 of Discovery's Mirror Universe arc is what's on the menu for this live and interactive review! Our Panel of Trekkies talks about Michael coming face-to-face to EMPEROR Philippa, Stamets in happy spore land, and the reveal/inevitability of Mirror Lorca! Did Vaulting Ambition Trek it? or ...
Trek it or Wreck it: Discovery 13 "Wh...
Trek it Or Wreck it digs into "What's Past Is Prologue" as we say farewell to the #MirrorUniverse in our LIVE and interactive review! Tell us what YOU thought of this week’s #StarTrek #Discovery right here on www.Highball.TV for a chance to win a $100 iTunes Gift Card and a limited edition Star T...
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