Our Body
"one of the year’s most notable Korean independent features.” Screendaily
Toronto International Film Festival
Busan International Film Festival
After dedicating years of her life studying for the public official exam, Ja-young (Moon Choi) suddenly loses interest and makes the difficult decision to explore a new career. In the midst of this challenging time she crosses paths with a young woman, Hyun-joo (An Ji-hye), who is out running. Spellbound, Ja-young quickly becomes becomes more than a little intrigued by the runner and devices a way meet her, ultimately forming a friendship and discovering the joy of running herself. Han Ka-ram’s impressive debut film smartly explores both the challenges Ja-young faces, as well as the freedoms and new relationships she encounters by eschewing societal conventions and the expectations of her family.
South Korea - 2018 - 1h 35m
Directed By: Han Ka-ram
Written By: Han Ka-ram
Starring: Moon Choi, An Ji-hye, Kim Jung-young, Lee Jae-in
Our Body
"one of the year’s most notable Korean independent features.” Screendaily
Toronto International Film Festival
Busan International Film FestivalAfter dedicating years of her life studying for the public official exam, Ja-young (Moon Choi) suddenly loses interest and makes the difficult decision...