Margaret Finds Her Mojo

Margaret Finds Her Mojo

Margaret enters her final job interview with a prestigious, security-conscious corporation as a sure thing but finds herself at odds with their methods when she realizes she's not the only one being considered. Waiting turns into brawling once Margaret finds her mojo.

Canada - 2014
Directed by: Brett Heard
Written by: Penny Eizenga

Margaret Finds Her Mojo
  • Margaret Finds Her Mojo

    Margaret enters her final job interview with a prestigious, security-conscious corporation as a sure thing but finds herself at odds with their methods when she realizes she's not the only one being considered. Waiting turns into brawling once Margaret finds her mojo.

    Canada - 2014
    Directed by:...


  • Margaret Finds Her Mojo Trailer

    Margaret enters her final job interview with a prestigious, security-conscious corporation as a sure thing but finds herself at odds with their methods when she realizes she's not the only one being considered. Waiting turns into brawling once Margaret finds her mojo.

    Canada - 2014
    Directed by:...