Wamin (The Apple)
Indigenous Creators
2m 42s
Wamin means apple in Atikamekw. Red on the outside, white on the inside. It is an insult to people who leave their community to go and live in the city. A young Atikamekw shows that living elsewhere other than on her reserve does not betray her true nature.
Canada - 2017 - 2m 43s
Directed By: Katherine nequado
Up Next in Indigenous Creators
A Woman's Pitch
A Woman's Pitch shows how deep Fast Pitch baseball runs in Eastmain. Through the eyes of a young filmmaker, the documentary portrays two passionate female players.
Canada - 2019 - 4m 5s
Directed By: Dawn Namagoose and Noémie Benoit -
L’Innu contre-attaque (The Innu Strik...
Bérénice is an Innu woman from Ekuanitshit (Mingan) on the Côte-Nord who learned basic Innu-aimun when she was young but didn’t continue speaking it as an adult. Now 37, this mother of three wants to reconnect with this important part of her culture. With the help of her mom and aunt, she starts ...
More Than a Stereotype
Frustrated with the stereotypical ways in which Indigenous people are portrayed in mainstream society, Sinay Kennedy presents a personal account of how she is choosing to challenge those stereotypes in her own creative work as an amateur filmmaker, and what her culture means to her.
Canada - 201...